Technical terms
The following list consists of (some of) the most important technical terms used throughout Stoic literature. To know these terms and phrases is essential for a thourough apprehension of the Stoic system. We shall create a glossary of these terms in the near future. Furthermore, we’ve created an ideographic symbolism to augment comprehension which will be added shortly.
Technical terms
- flourishing of life // happiness (eudaimonia)
- freedom from passions (apatheia)
- practical principle
- misvaluation
- impulse (hormê)
- passion (pathos)
- excessive striving
- Pathos
- affection
- indifference toward external factors
- rational assent (sygkatáthesis)
- (erroneous) belief (doxa)
- reason (logos)
- rational assent
- virtue
- vice
- prudence (phronesis)
- temperance (sophrosyne)
- courage (andreia)
- justice (dikaiosyne)
More general terms
- (psychological) state
- judgement
- value judgment
- attitude
- principle
- action
- to conduct an action
- event
- theory of action
- impression (phantasia)